Friday, June 11, 2010

Best Ever?

Spencer and I like to hike.  Well, I guess I should say I love to hike, and Spencer comes with me (he would much rather ride his mountain bike).  Every summer we go on many hikes and see lots of great landscape.  Well, yesterday we may just have found my favorite hike ever!  Do you know that SpongeBob song, "The Best Day Ever"?  I do (because I teach first grade), and that song comes to mind when I think of this trail.  Perhaps the pictures will speak for themselves.

Here is a view of Tibble Fork Reservoir in American Fork Canyon

Notice how the trunk of this tree is growing completely horizontal above Spencer's head, and then grows straight up from there.  CRAZY!

Jack loved romping in the lush green meadows.


"Oh look!  Another weird tree!"

I know I am posting a lot of pictures, but can you blame me?

We came to a river crossing, with the trail continuing on the other side.  But the water levels are crazy high right now, and the raging river was too dangerous to attempt a crossing.  So this is where we turned around.  Don't worry though, I'll be back!

We were able to experience a mountain thunderstorm on the way back to the car.  Great big drops of rain, booming thunder, but not too cold.  AMAZING!  (And thank goodness I brought my hoodie!)

We made it to the car safe and sound, and a little wet.  The wet dog smell in the back of the car was less than pleasing, but definitely a price worth paying!

1 comment:

Mark and Kristen said...

I wanna go there!! Pick a day and take me and Mark with you.