Monday, March 23, 2009

Welcome Spring Snow!

Just in time for spring, we got hit with a nice big snow storm! It snowed last night and most of the day today, and when I got home from work today (around 6:00 p.m.) the driveway was covered with several inches of wet, heavy snow. Spencer wasn't home yet, so I thought it would be a nice surprise for him if I shoveled the driveway before he arrived. I even parked my car across the street so I wouldn't drive over the snow before shoveling.

(Besides, I'm not sure my car would have been able to drive through the deep driveway snow!)

Just as I was finishing up, Spencer pulled in and was able to drive right into the garage. Hooray!

Of course, nobody's perfect. I realized one little mistake in my shoveling--the walkway to the front door. I had piled a lot of the driveway snow right onto the sidewalk that goes to the front door!

The pile had grown to about 3 feet, so it took me a few minutes to shovel it all off. But I did it!

It may sound strange, but I usually enjoy shoveling the driveway. It gives me a nice little workout and a great sense of accomplishment when it is all finished!

1 comment:

Mark and Kristen said...

good job, ya little work horse. I like shoveling, too. I can usually get a couple other driveways done besides ours when it snows.