Spencer has been spending a lot of time as a wannabe mechanic. I don't know all the specifics of what he has been fixing, but I seem to remember hearing "sway bar" and "ball joints." I know there were many other things. I'll have him post about all the repairs.
Poor Jack can't wait to go for a nice long walk! He has been cooped up inside with us because of his intense hatred of all things wet. Here he is with his favorite ugly little toy.
This weird looking stuffed animal has been very durable, but he is actually starting to pull the stuffing out a little. Sad.
And what have I been doing? Well, I spent a couple of days being sick, and then made some yummy cupcakes, and our friends the Oliphants came over for game night.
Now for the most exciting part -- drum roll please! .....(no pun intended)
I got 100% on drums playing RockBand! That's right, an 810 note streak! And Spencer got 100% on vocals for the same song! I was playing as Adam's character, and Spencer was playing as my character Wes. I guess it's time to move from medium to hard. We'll see!
What have YOU been doing in all this rain?
We put on our rain jackets, boot and grabbed the umbrellas and went on a walk to the mail box (one mile round trip). It isn't often that we get to use those items and the kids love to use the umbrellas.
What a fun family activity! I'll bet the kids looked so cute in all their rain gear!
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