Every year at the beginning of October, I start stressing about what to be for Halloween. As a first grade teacher, I pretty much have to dress up every year. This year, my costume ended up being one of the easiest ever - thanks to a dress I purchased for my birthday this summer and a hat I borrowed from my dad. Throw on some knee-high boots and a pair of binoculars, and VOILA! -
I called myself an explorer, and even thought of wearing a "My name is..." sticker with Dora written on it. Then I could be Dora the Explorer. But I decided against that at the last minute. At school, I was called a variety of fun names - zoologist, ranger, safari-er, Africa hunter, someone who looks for animals, and more.
Spencer and I did not go to any Halloween parties this year, so he didn't have a costume. If we had gone somewhere, I wanted to wrap him up in a roll of butcher paper and he could be my map. Maybe next year.
We stayed home on Saturday night to pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters, and I couldn't believe how many kids came by! Our neighborhood is pretty small, and full of young families. Also, the ward didn't do a trunk or treat. So if kids wanted to dress up and get candy, they would have to work for it! It was nice to know that some of the traditions I remember best about Halloween as a child are still going strong. Even the rain we got early in the evening did not deter the trick-or-treaters. We ran out of candy around 6:30 or 7:00, so while Spencer drove down to the store for more I passed out hot cocoa packets. Whatever works, right?
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago