Friday, December 31, 2010

Guess what we've been doing...

If you guessed shoveling our driveway NONSTOP - you're right!  We may not have had much snow for Christmas, but this last storm has definitely made up for it.  Wednesday morning (before 7 am), Spencer shoveled a few inches of snow off his side of the driveway so he could make it to work.  I left the house around 9 am and got stuck at the bottom of our driveway in the snowplow pile!  After digging around the tires and with a push from my neighbor, I was on my way.

I got home from running my errands around 3 pm, and there was no way my car was going to make it up the driveway and into the garage without some serious snow removal first!  So I "parked" the car on the street and shoveled several inches off my side of the driveway.  I thought about leaving the rest of the driveway for Spencer to do when he got home, but when I looked outside at 5 pm, I knew I had to get to work.  I spent over an hour shoveling snow while Spencer crawled home (he said he was driving 'walking speed' for part of the time!) on the slick roads.  I got the driveway cleared in time for Spencer to pull right in when he finally made it home.

The picture is a little blurry because my camera lens kept fogging up.

Thursday morning (Spencer's dayoff, thank goodness!), we spent the late morning shoveling another foot of snow off the driveway.

We had to shovel again later in the day.  Now today, Friday, we have a couple more inches of fresh powder waiting to be taken care of.  Are you kidding me?!?

Sometime during all the shoveling, I managed to throw a rib out of place, due to the strain and twisting as I tried to throw snow over the ever-growing snowbanks lining our driveway.

Here's a shot of me trying to get a shovel full of snow up and over the snowbank.

Luckily, I happen to know a great chiropractor, and he has taken good care of me and my rib!

So, what do I think of all this snow?  Okay, okay, the shoveling became pretty tedious after a while.

But overall, I LOVE it!  Here are a few reasons why:
1.  Shoveling is great exercise!
2.  The snow is so pretty.  It's a fluffy powder, all sparkly and clean and fresh.
3.  I got to try out my new Christmas present -snowshoes- to check the mail.  They work great!
4.  It's fun to play in!  Just ask Spencer and Jack.

Here, Spencer is coaxing Jack up the driveway pile.  Poor dog kept slipping down again.  Spencer eventually had to pull him up by the scruff of his neck!

Well, enough blogging.  I've got to get busy -- you guessed it! -- shoveling our snowy driveway!


Lisa S. said...

Seeing pictures like this I am more and more grateful that we only got 2 inches out of that storm. At least you are thinking positivly about the snow, that is better than I can do!

Jamie said...

WOW, that is a TON of snow. Love your outlook, much better than my outlook would be. That is one reason I do not miss Utah, all the snow and cold.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Look at all that snow, so fun! I had to laugh though, i though you were going to say going on some amazing trip but NO...shoveling snow. lol

Sara said...

I know I'm a little late in reading but all I can think is that I would be making caves out of all that snow. That is a TON of snow! I probably wouldn't make caves if I had to shovel all of it!

Libby said...

Hi there,

I'm the editorial assistant for, a site published by the National Association of Realtors covering homeownership-related topics.

Would you consider letting us feature a photo from this post in an article about snow shoveling tips? Email me at for the details. Thanks!

Libby Walker

Libby said...

Hi again. Just wanted to leave another quick note to see if you'd be interested in having your photo featured on HouseLogic. Send me an email at and I'll get you the details. Thanks!