Friday, January 1, 2010

Keeping Busy

I only have a couple days left of my Christmas break (cry, pout, sigh), but so far I have really taken advantage of the time off! 

Spencer, Jack and I took a walk after the first big snowfall.

Of course, where there's snow, there's shoveling!  We inherited a snow blower at the end of the season last winter, but still pull the shovels out now and then for the exercise. 

Jack helped by eating down some of the huge snow piles on either side of the driveway.

My parents gave us some delicious frozen meats for Christmas, and it has been so much easier to plan meals with a freezer full of meat! 

I think on this day I was making some homemade fried chickenYum!

I got a new camera for Christmas (hooray!), and Jack was lucky enough to be my model for the first few pictures.

Aren't you finished yet?

I don't think he likes being in the spotlight for too long! 

Of course, we also spent time celebrating Christmas and New Years, which you can read more about below.  For now, I'm off to get ready for a matinee showing of Avatar.  I love staying in my pajamas until noon, but I guess it's time to get dressed!  Maybe tomorrow I'll stay in my pajamas all day, just because I can!


Jamie said...

looks like you had a really fun holiday season. I love the picture of acting out the nativity.

You look fabulous in your yellow skirt. You two make a great couple.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Jack is the perfect model to use, he even poses for the camera. so cute! Looks like you had a great Christmas. Happy New year to you guys!!

Mark and Kristen said...

Happy New Year! Christmas break is never long enough for teachers, and way too long for parents.