Saturday, February 6, 2010

New Record

I have never been good at taking care of house plants.  I have managed to slowly kill off everything from ivy to peace lilies in a matter of months.  Every time I am given a new houseplant as a gift I think, okay, this time it is going to survive - I just know it!  But every time, I watch as the plant slowly loses its will to live until it eventually ends up in the trash.

My latest gift was no exception.  It was, however, a new record for me!  I was given this plant at the beginning of January, and just one month later, it gave up the ghost.  I tried to water it, I kept it in the room with the most sunlight, I even kept the blinds open during the day.  But it was to no avail. 

Poor little guy!

I have only found one plant that I can handle - bamboo.  I now love bamboo, because it just stays alive!  No matter what I do! 

Maybe I'll start decorating the house with an Asian flare, and then I can fill the room with bamboo plants.  Real, alive, healthy, indoor bamboo plants.  We'll see.


Michael Jolley said...

It's because you love the plants too much. The key is to neglect the plants.

Mark and Kristen said...

I hear ya.

always loven life said...

I know how you feel. House plants are so important to me and they die too. I'm glad you found one that will survive. Good choice too! Love the Bamboo. It is so pretty.