1. Kitchen sink. We had pasta for dinner, and I left the plates and pot in the sink instead of putting them in the dishwasher. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!
6. Favorite room. Okay, okay, the closet isn't really my favorite room. But I forgot to take a picture of the living room and I don't want to go through the trouble now that I'm already in the middle of posting.
The pink pair on the right are from my Grandma Sally. Aren't they cute?
8. Self portrait. Pay no attention to the garment sleeve visible on my shoulder. It's Friday night and I deserve to be comfortable! I guess I should have edited it out, but it's too late now.
9. Children. This is as close as it gets right now. Jack has been following me everywhere as I've been snapping these photos. When I took a picture of the shoes, he laid down and rolled over so I would scratch his belly. How could I say no?

10. Dream vacation. I would love to go on a cruise to somewhere tropical. I want the kind of cruise that does all the fun adventure things, like scuba diving, climbing, and all that jazz. I figure if I spend a lot of the time doing something physical, it will be okay to eat all that yummy cruise food I hear so much about!
Tag! Michael & Jessica, Adam & Harmony, LeAnn, Sara, Laurie