Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Did you know it is still summer?

For the last eight years, my summer has ended right around the beginning of August, when it is time to get set up for the next school year.  But this year, I am taking a break!  That's right, for those who don't already know, I am not teaching this school year.  Spencer's office is doing well, so I am staying home.  It is quite nice.  And it means that I can enjoy my summer straight through August and even into September!

Since the school year has started, I have...

...built a chicken run with Spencer...

...purchased four little chickies...

...harvested a plethora of veggies from our garden...
These were all picked on the same day, by the way!

...and gone climbing with friends.

Yes, I like this continual summer.  I like it a lot.